Kajian Teoritis-Konseptual Strategi Pendidik Nabi Muhammad Saw
Educator Strategy, Prophet MuhammadAbstract
Pendidikan umat Islam di Indosesia secara umum dan Aceh secara khusus akhir-akhir ini selalu dikaitkan dengan kondisi yang tidak memuaskan, identik dengan keterbelakangan di semua sisi jika dibandingkan dengan pendidikan di negara-negara lain di dunia. Pendidikan umat Islam dalam hal ini guru-guru di lembaga pendidikan Islam seakan-akan tidak lagi mampu melaksanakan misinya baik di sekolah maupun di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Mereka tidak mampu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan umat Islam sejajar dengan pendidikan umat agama lain. Mereka juga tidak lagi menjadi role model bagi siswa di sekolah dan masyarakat secara luas. Artis, bintang filem, atlit dan gengster telah menjadi role model bagi siswa muslim saat ini. Seharusnya para Nabi, sahabat Nabi, ulama Islam, para pahlawan Islam dan guru-guru muslim sebagai pewaris Nabi harus menjadi (uswatun hasanah) role model siswa di sekolah dan masyarakat secara luas. Kesuksesan Nabi Muhammad saw dalam mendidik umat patut diteladani dan menjadi inspirasi bagi guru dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai pendidik dimana saja dan kapan saja. Sifat-sifat Nabi dalam mendekati dan menyampaikan dakwahnya kepada semua lapisan masyarakat mulai dari anak-anak, orang dewasa, pemuka masyarakat dan rakyat jelata merupakan strategi pendidikannya sebagai pendidik sejati yang patut diikuti oleh semua guru-guru muslim di semua tingkatan dan lembaga pendidikan Islam
The education of Muslims in Indonesia in general and Aceh in particular has recently been associated with unsatisfactory conditions, identical to backwardness on all sides when compared to education in other countries in the world. The education of Muslims, in this case the teachers in Islamic educational institutions, seems no longer able to carry out their mission both at school and in the community. They are not able to improve the quality of education for Muslims in line with the education of other religions. They are also no longer role models for students in schools and society at large. Artists, film stars, athletes and gangsters have become role models for Muslim students today. The Prophets, companions of the Prophet, Islamic scholars, Islamic heroes and Muslim teachers as heirs of the Prophet should become (uswatun hasanah) role models for students in schools and society at large. The success of the Prophet Muhammad in educating the people is exemplary and an inspiration for teachers in carrying out their duties as educators anywhere and anytime. The characteristics of the Prophet in approaching and conveying his da'wah to all levels of society ranging from children, adults, community leaders and commoners are his educational strategy as a true educator that should be followed by all Muslim teachers at all levels and Islamic educational institutions.
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