Da'wah is an obligation that must be carried out by Muslims, who essentially work to prevent indecency and great evil and suggest the good deeds. The Quran itself is a primary source of command to do Da'wah and al-Quran also shows various methods of propagation that can be done. This paper examines the istifham contained in the Quran as a method of Dawah. Verses of the Quran containing istifham are spread across a number of the surah. Of the 114 surah al-Quran, the most widely known to contain istifham is surah ar-Rahman totaled 31 verses and surah al-Mursalat as 6 verses. The author examines both of these Surahs to figure out a method of Dawah contained therein. The results of this Istifham is the author of the analysis methods of da'wah al-Quran is the perfect posed to mankind, with the hope of human beings can ponder and realize the truth conveyed by Allah swt in the Quran.
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Muhammad bin Abdillah az-Zarkasyi, Al-Burhan fi Al-ulum Al-Qur’an, Bairut: maktabah al-a’shriyah, 2006
M. Quraish Shihab, Membumikan Al-Qur’an, Vol. 13 dan 14, Bandung: Mizan,
Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hasyim, Jawahir al-Balaghah, Cetakan kedua, Kairo: Maktabah Al-Adab, 2005
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